Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It does not matter what anybody else thinks, thinks or does – it is what you do that matters.

So many times in our lives we get caught up in what everyone thinks of us or what people maybe saying about us when we are not around and it destroys the way we feel about ourselves. Now I love my job but I find myself getting caught up in what one person is saying about me at work. I keep telling myself it doesn't matter but her mean spirit and hate of life just frustrate me to the point I allow her and what she is saying about me when I'm not around anger me. However then I remember all that matters is that I DO the best job I can when I'm at work and what she thinks of me will not really matter. Sure we care what our bosses think or friends, family or significant others but really as long as we are doing what is right for us and in our lives then the people who really love and care about us will think only good things of us.

So the new year as brought on tons of new business to my properties and I find myself very busy. I love having a pile of work in front of me and the feeling of accomplishment when I leave at the end of the day knowing I got it all done. I had a visit from one of my corporate bosses today and I really enjoy the satisfaction of hearing him tell the general manager that he does not have have to worry about sales and marketing because he has a great Director of Sales on the job.

Another day of keeping with my new year new body resolution and what they say is true the more you workout the easier it gets. I actually found myself today doubting my ability to do a exercise but I did it and it felt great. I did find myself in meetings all afternoon and didn't get to go get a healthy lunch so ended up eating two pieces of the free pizza from Jets and it was delicious! It was not the best choice for me but how long can a diet last if you give up all things you love and don't indulge every now and again. Besides I was down another pound today at weight in even after the pizza.

I love days Keith does not work late we get to actually have dinner together and tonight he made a nice dinner which featured one of my favorites...STEAK! He cooked it on our new George Foreman my mom got him for Christmas and I highly recommend the new Foreman to everyone! It's really nice and easy to clean plus has enough space to cook two giant steaks at the same time. Then after dinner I stuck with my resolution to keep up with my house work and I must say it feels nice to have our place starting to be in order and finally finding a place for everything.

Time to watch some Modern Family and this is a show that I suggest everyone watch! It's hysterical and I cannot think of anyone who would not enjoy the humor!

Today's Bible Verse is:

"And Jesus said unto them ... , "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to younder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you." Romans 1:17

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination.

A person's determination can make or break someone. I know we all face moments everyday in our lives that our determination can cause success or momentary failure. I woke up this morning and saw all the snow on the cars and looked at the temperature outside and really just wanted to stay home. Sure I had a minor set back by cold outside affect me and I curled up in my blanket and fell back asleep. However I got up got ready for work and went on my way. I could have lost the determination to go to work but I really love my job and am greatful even on my most hectic days there that I have a job. Some days I talk to rude travel planners and somedays I'm on the phone all day booking new clients regardless of what the day may bring I love my job and I realize it is a blessing and the answers of many many prayers.

Determination has also played a role in keeping with New Years Resolution #2 and I'm happy to say I've dropped 6.2 pounds! I used to hate the idea of scheduling in a work out or skipping all my favorite foods but I'm more motivated then ever to finally be in a body that not only makes me happy but is healthy. I love my daily workouts and I've grown to enjoy all the new healthier foods I've been trying. Now I just have to actually use my years worth of tanning my Dad got me for Christmas and I will be thin and tan! I think that's a great combo!

This new year I also want to value the people who are in my life more. I want to spend time with the people who support me when I'm down and laugh with me on good days. I want to create memories with the ones I love. I realized yesterday that some people in my life you can do something little for and it means a lot to them and others you can really help them out and it means nothing at all. I want to focus on spending more time with the ones who value me as much as I value them.

I need to end today's blog and go clean some which is part of New Year's Resolution #3 however if this snow does not end it may take awhile before I get to New Years Resolution #4 and that will make Hoarders on wheels very sad!

I'm going to end my blogs from now on with a inspirational quote or bible passage because I like sharing uplifting things with others.

"We love Him because He first loved us." 1 John 4:9-10

Monday, January 4, 2010

Snow Snow Snow All I See Is Snow!!

Today was my first day back to work of the new year and I must say other then the hour drive to work and home from work in the snow of doom it was a great day.

I have worked really hard in my life for the job I have now however never did I realize that I would really enjoy it as much as I do. I spent the day being a selling machine and sticking to New Years Revolution #1 I was really organized and also managed my time well. It was great to actually meet my weekly budget goal on my first day of the work week.

Well as the blog is titled SNOW SNOW SNOW... It has been a awful snowy North East Ohio day today. So many days I wake up just wanting to crawl back in bed but today after I went outside to warm up my car for my drive to work I really wanted to get back in bed. I do have to give the City of Middleburg Height's credit for really making sure their roads are clear and taken care of. Now the City of North Royalton on the other hand needs to freshen up on their plowing skills.

This maybe a new year but as always the problems from the previous year have not just disappeared at midnight on New Years Eve. I hope that my friends who are experiencing rough times right now or who need a listening ear know that I am here for them. I'm sure many of their family or friends also feel the same way I do. I also hope everyone knows how special they really are!

Well time to end this blog since Days is almost over and Wii Fit time will begin! I must say for my fellow Days fans today's episode was rather boring!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Welcome to 2010

2009 has come to a end and I must say many are overjoyed that it is behind us but I have to say 2009 was a good year for me! I moved in with Keith and I got a new amazing job!

Sure like many other years it had its ups and its downs! Keith and I realized while driving to his Uncle's funeral the other day that it was our fourth funeral in 2009. I also got news from Florida that our dog Kelsey died this year too! It was a record year for me on the fact I was only in the emergency room twice in 2009!

I must say I am ready for a fresh start in 2010! I will not name my resolutions but I really plan on keeping a active blog this year one my progress in the year! I'm sure soon anyone who reads will be able to pick up on what my resolutions for 2010 are!

I hope everyone has a great year and with the new year already in progress I hope everyone can at least find one memory from 2009 they remember a life time!