Sunday, March 29, 2009

Man adds meth to wife's water to give her energy

MORTON, Wash. -- A Lewis County man faces assault and child endangerment charges after detectives say he made his wife drink water spiked with meth.
The woman was breast-feeding their three-month-old child at the time. She said she did not know the meth was in the water.
The 34-year-old man told investigators he hoped the meth would give her energy to clean the house.
The man is currently locked up in the Lewis County jail on another pending charge. Detectives said they learned of the meth incident while listening to the inmates phone calls.

~ I cannot believe this mans excuse was that he wanted his wife to have energy to clean the house! His wife was taking care of a three month old child and naturally would be exhausted yet the man did not find the need to help his wife out around the house but rather decided to drug her to give her more energy and in doing so also drugged his newborn child. This is why some people should not be allowed to breed! I cannot even begin to understand some people or the way they think. I cannot understand people who neglect those who love them with either negative words or actions. I also think that woman who face emotional and/or physical abuse from their significant others need to realize that they will continue that treatment to their children. It's a self esteem issue that they have that makes them feel better by bring people around them down. This man wanted his home cleaned by his wife because he was to lazy to do it himself so he dangered her life and his child!

I think all people have the right to be loved and treated with respect. I think it's easy for people to recognize the abuse they get physically whether they choose to do anything about it or not is another story but I see and hear about woman being emotionally abused and with out even noticing they have become beat down by words. No one has the right to call you hurtful names especially the person whom claims to love and want to spend their life with you. I think the first step to recognizing it is if you are in a emotionally abusive relationship is by figuring out if the words that come out of your loved ones mouth hurt you or make you feel bad about yourself more then they make you feel good or truly loved by them.

I've completely went into a whole abusive relationship rant here after just wanting originally share a story about some low life loser. I just hope everyone who comes across my blog and reads this post knows how important they are and no matter what anyone in their life may say to bring them down they are loved and worthy of being loved the same way they love others. I have a feeling the woman who was being drugged by her husband has dealt with all other types of abuse from her husband and didn't know that she'd be OK with out him.

Reading things like this about losers like this guy really make me value and cherish my relationship with Keith! I feel very lucky to have such a supportive and caring boyfriend!

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