Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spaghetti Dinner

Last weekend I went with Keith to his college fraternities annual Spaghetti Dinner. Now for everyone that knows me I never miss a chance to get a new dress and get all dressed up so I’ve been looking forward to it since I heard about it. I also really enjoy meeting friends of Keith’s for the first time and I did enjoy watching my boyfriend walk through the room for the first time and seeing all these girls stare and let out a "THERE’S PAPA" it was so funny watching my boyfriend have groupies! I also really like hanging out with his friends and I’m really glad to have met them and to get along so well with them. I always have a great time when we get together and have felt very welcome by them.

So apparently it’s also a tradition every year for multiple people to complain about the spaghetti and price and vowel to not return the next year, it made me laugh! It was more like a fashion show to me of everyone walking around in their gowns and suits and snapping pictures! Again as my friends know I am fan of anyone taking my picture and will never complain about stopping to pose! Also it was a giant drinking fest, we starting drinking before we left the Inn and continued through out the night.

So in my opinion the night was a huge success, I got to meet new people and hang out with my new friends. I also got to spend the evening with my very handsome boyfriend! I loved getting all dressed up and spending the morning getting my hair and nails done. I think everyone looked great and had a great time and what more can you ask for!

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